Vanessa and I drove up the California coast today, headed for Pismo Beach and tomorrow, to Hearst Castle.
We stopped in Solvang to check things out. It's a strange little fake Dutch town. We saw a Hollywood memorabilia shop a lot like the one on Hollywood Boulevard only much smaller and fake Dutch. When we went it we saw a life-size (I have no idea whether or not this is true) cardboard cutout of the Twilight mope.
While perusing the cheap fake Hollywood souvenirs I heard a blood curdling squeal, and saw a young girl, maybe 11 or 12 year old, run up to the cut out and press her body against it and started licking it (maybe she thought she was French kissing it). It was disturbing. But not as disturbing as what happened a minute or two later.
Vanessa and I continued looking at the crap in the store. And I heard a young girl's voice say "Oh my god (pronounced the way that "OMG" sounds in your head when someone types it),".....
I don't know if maybe she was just confused about the feelings that the vampire mope made her feel or something else, but I KNOW that her father, who accompanied her on this little adventure, must have been supremely proud.
AHHH ha ha ha!! What a weird child. Sort of reminds me of you and your love for Nick Cave. Oh!!!! I almost had a baby from drawing Nick!! AHH!!! Dude! I didn't know you had a blog!